Neuroimmunology Fellowship Match
The Neuroimmunology and MS Fellowship Match is sponsored by ACTRIMS and facilitated by SF Match. The Match includes the following fellowship training program types:
View the list of 2024-2025 participating programs here. 2024-2025 Match Cycle Timeline
Information for Participating ProgramsA new match cycle began Wednesday, August 28, 2024 and current participating match programs can reset the number of positions available for the 2024-2025 match cycle. New programs can register through the SF Match website. Step-by-step directions for registering a program can be found here. FAQs for Participating ProgramsInformation for ApplicantsApplicant Registration for the 2024/5 Match cycle will begin on Friday, November 1, 2024.
FAQs for ApplicantsResearch Fellowship Opportunities (Outside the Match)Fellowships that are handled outside of the Match process include:
ACTRIMS asks that any institutions who routinely offer this type of opportunity identify themselves, including the options for off-Match positions (ex: research fellowship in neurosarcoidosis, research fellowship in myelitis, bench-based work in human immunology). Timelines for this type of fellow should be harmonized across institutions and should precede the Match; offers should be made beginning approximately four (4) weeks prior to rank list deadline of April 30th, 2025. A current list of research fellowship opportunities identified to ACTRIMS can be found here. Other Fellowship OpportunitiesPlease find additional information below for programs offering fellowship opportunities. |